Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Obama Makes Everything about Race

Racism is only in the minds of Democrats...they use it to full advantage to divide our nation and small minded people fall for it.

Obama Smears Republicans with False Accusations

'Everything He Said Is A Lie'

Why is Barack Obama opening his mouth about anything. He didn't do anything but divide this country in a way that has led us to the position that we're in today.

He wanted to make everything about race and the Democrats took that flame and added more fuel to the fire over the years.

Now, here we are with CRT, segregation, and the most divisive population that we've ever had.


  1. another racist who should go back

  2. Far be it from me to psychoanalyze Obama, but there does seem to be some self-loathing going on, probably as a result of his inability to understand why his father left him.

    He is still very young and is basically a has-been. He would be more age-appropriate now to run for President. So what good is it all. He is stuck in Martha's Vinyard, with an unhappy wife, and two children who will very soon be living their own lives.

    I actually feel sorry for him. Money doesn't buy happiness.
