Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Liberal Bureaucratic Ideology Ruining our Major Cities

Liberal San Francisco Mayor Decided to Punish Shoppers Instead of Criminals This Holiday Season

When I lived out there, this was the most beaufiful city in the country. Now it's a living nightmare.

Safety policies in Democrat liberal-run major cities across the United States have triggered a wave of crime and violence. Most appreciate San Francisco to be the epitome of radical liberalism. Homelessness and depravity are rampant in the once beautiful “City by the Bay.”

"Over the last 24 months, things have grown increasingly worse for San Franciscans. Burglaries have skyrocketed at an alarming rate. People live in fear of being burglarized in their homes, and businesses shutter at the thought of being ransacked by looters."

Read about Mayor London Breed and the city she has ruined

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