Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Kid Rock's Merry Christmas message

Don't Tell Me How to Live

"All you pansy ass woke critics and trolls are exactly what brought me to create ‘Don’t Tell Me How To Live’

Thank you for the inspiration! Keep shoveling coal on the fire you idiots! I f-ing love it! To the Kid Rock dysfunctional family, we already know there is NO tribe like ours in music, period. Stay tuned for more songs to be released soon, an album early next year and God willing… a monster 2022 tour announcement!!!"

Merry Christmas – Kid Rock #NoSellout--Not a song for "virgin" ears!


  1. Dont like his music

  2. some of these people should stay out of philosify

  3. Like most of the rappers today @3:37. At least he is a Republican and a conservative.!

  4. thats fine 4-36 but who knows what is behind the lyrics of their so called songs
