Thursday, December 16, 2021

Covid Restrictions will never end until Biden ends

Sleepy Joe Biden Just Announced Even More Ridiculous COVID Restrictions!

The World Health Organization officials called this new Covid-19 variation “Omicron.” This is another variation and has reportedly sprouted up in South Africa in recent weeks.

If you unscramble the letters in OMICRON, you get MORONIC.

Biden said, "The news about this new variant should make clearer than ever why this pandemic will not end until we have global vaccinations.

I call on the nations gathering next week for the World Trade Organization ministerial meeting to meet the U.S. challenge to waive intellectual property protections for COVID vaccines, so these vaccines can be manufactured globally.”


  1. "If you unscramble the letters in OMICRON, you get MORONIC."

    So the virus is moronic? Those who catch the virus are moronic? It's a moronic name?

    Sometimes I swear you say things without out even thinking a second about what it means.

  2. omicron is nothingn more than a bad cold
