Wednesday, December 15, 2021

China is paying a firm to influence Social Media

China wants to promote and brainwash

State-controlled Chinese media including China Daily and Xinhua already spends millions of dollars attempting to influence American audiences, according to the Washington Free Beacon, which initially reported on the incident.

And can you blame them? A certain segment of our society believes everything especially if it propaganda from our enemy.

China’s government is paying social media influencers in the U.S. to promote the Beijing Olympics and distract from diplomatic boycotts over its human rights violations, according to disclosures filed with the Department of Justice.

Read about it...


  1. If there is one thing I'm not worried about, it's human rights violations in China. The people in China know what the rules are, and it's not our business to interfere in Chinese policies. You might say we had a chance to influence Beijing's policies, but that was long ago and far away.

    This business of seeing Communists on every street corner, is getting old. Communism has always had a certain appeal to a segment of the population, but I don't see us abandoning Capitalism any time soon.

    Now, if you want to talk about "Useful Idiots", you have my attention. Most of the ACRONYM Groups, are Useful Idiots. The Anarchists trot them out when they want to make a statement, then put them back in the closet with the rest of the props, which is what they are.

  2. That was a good one! Had to chuckle.
