Saturday, November 27, 2021

What REALLY happened on January 6

A MUST see-

CAPITOL PUNISHMENT Producer and Conservative Actor Nick Searcy Reveals Stunning Inside Story About What REALLY Happened On Jan 6th

“It was amazing how much of it was an operation”

The film, released on Thanksgiving Day, Capitol Punishment: Everything They Told You Is A Lie is a riveting story told through the eyes of the people who were there on the ground in our Nation’s Capital on January 6, 2021.

Searcy and Burgard told an incredible story of twin 75-year-old grandmothers who walked up the open doors of the Capitol on January 6 and asked if they could go inside? The Capitol Police told them, “Yes,” that they could go inside. According to our guests, the elderly women walked inside the Capitol and walked back outside. After they returned home, their neighbors called the FBI on them. They were arrested by the FBI and charged with “criminal trespassing” and were told they would be put on a domestic terrorist list.

Read more about it...

Capitol Punishment the

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