Sunday, November 14, 2021

WAPO Journalist crosses the line suggesting Medical Tyranny

Washington Post columnist ripped to shreds for suggesting unvaccinated be prosecuted

'This is demented beyond words'

Gene Weingarten even attacked those who are "vaccine-hesitant" in a Sept. 9 column titled: "I have a better term for the 'vaccine-hesitant.'" In the piece, Weingarten denigrates vaccine-hesitant individuals as "ignorant people," "idiots," and "incredibly stupid people."

On Thursday, Weingarten took it to another level by asking, "Is there a point at which the 'unvaccinated' need to be prosecuted?"

This columnist doesn't know who the "idiot" is

1 comment:

  1. Has this "columnist"seen the latest 2 victims of the eua shots shaking all their waking hours after they followed Fauci and Biden's advice to get these injurious injections.
    And now they are rolling them out for 5 year olds and mistakenly giving adult doses to children.
