Friday, November 5, 2021

Tucker Carlson Original - The January 6 Protest

Democrats are furious

Tucker Carlson has previewed a new three-part documentary that claims the 6 January protest at the US Capitol was a “false flag” attack – and that Joe Biden and the Democrats are mounting a shadowy campaign to round up right-wing American “patriots.”

You have 90 days to watch these trailers for free. After that, the entire episodes will be on Fox Nation

Patriot Purge Part 1
The domestic war on terror is here — and it’s coming for half of the country. Tucker explores how the Biden regime is using the Capitol riots on January Sixth to paint Americans as terrorists. But what exactly happened on 1/6 and how much of what we were told was a lie?

Patriot Purge Part 2
The Biden regime has launched one of the largest manhunts in history. Tucker and his team talk to patriots that kicked in the doors of terrorists that are now having their doors kicked in by the state they once served.

Patriot Purge Part 3
Meet the political prisoners of the new war on terror. The accused of 1/6 have endured abuse and months of pretrial detention. And now War on Terror 2.0 has its first confirmed kill: slain protestor Ashli Babbitt.


  1. Thank God Tucker has come through with this epic film. We've all known that the people at the Capitol on Jan. 6 were play actors mixed with antifa. We've been telling everyone this for months and now, finally, Fox News has come through with proof. Why has this been held back for so long?

    And now Tucker tells us they're coming to get me and you, the real Patriots. I'm not going quietly, I tell you. They won't drag me out of my house.

    Everyone needs to get ready. They're coming!

  2. I find Tucker repetitive and boring. I've been watching him off and on for 30 years. He used to be on Capitol Gang with Pat Buchanan.

    He makes a good living doing what he does, but I can't watch the same thing over and over again.

    He's not a stupid man, but it's time he changed it up a little. Only a moron would sit and watch the same show every night.

    Fox has excellent reporting. Brett Bair, Neil Cavuto, Chris Wallace, Dana Perino, Harris Faulkner, Bill Hemmer, and others.

    But just saying the same thing every night, really serves no purpose. It's a form of brain-washing, and only stupid people can be brainwashed.

  3. I don't know if 1:37 is a good illustration of sarcasm, or a dangerous case of paranoia!

    Somehow, I suspect the former.

  4. must be watching a different Tucker than I watch. Nothing repetitive about his show and that's why he's number 1.

  5. What's the matter, RINO at 4:09, the truth hurts? Vote for a Democrat next election if you like them so much!

  6. The question is: What was the goal of January 6th? What would you think would happen if a bunch of people, any people, stormed the Capitol?

    Ashli Babbitt was an unfortunate victim of that day. Fortunately, there weren't more victims. What was accomplished?

  7. @7:17...It was a peaceful protest infiltrated by undesirables with Capitol Police opening the gates. FBI agents were in the crowd stirring them up. It was a huge set-up.
    Nothing was accomplished but the exposure of our government, one killing an unarmed woman ending up with people locked up in Washington DC prison in solitary confinement with no charges since they were arrested.
    This is not America folks.

  8. I don't know. I'd like to hear somebody other than Tucker Carlson talking about it.

  9. Tucker and his investigative team delved into it… actually did the job that journalists should be doing rather than cheering and covering up for an incompetent president and communist administration

  10. Yes, Lynn, exactly. Hey RINO listen to Lynn.

    Democrats sent in actors and informants and antifa to set up the 700 Trump patriots that were just hanging around cheering and wouldn't have done anything if they hadn't been forced to.

    It was a conspiracy to make it look like Trump wanted to win the election by stealing it with MAGA patriots. The people who have been charged were duped by these leftist thugs and the FBI agents in the crowd. The truth will come out! Mark my words. They all want Trump to look bad and for MAGA to look like they would beat on the police with flags, smash windows, tear up the inside of the Capitol, and run around the Senate floor on their own. Right. Who believes that?

  11. Every sensational trial has two sides. Both sides have an investigative team. One side comes up with their set of irrefutable facts, and the other side comes up with their side of irrefutable facts. The more convoluted it becomes, the less chance there is of ever being able to ascertain what actually happened.

  12. @9:43--One side is the government and who can trust any government agency, part of the Deep State? They knocked Trump down, one of they few who stood up.

  13. The only government we can trust as Americans is a Republican Government. I trusted Trump. When he left, he took all the trustworthy people with him in government and left. The whole government is a Democratic Deep State now that is working towards putting every Republican in jail for nothing. Look, they already locked up 600 people who were just sightseeing on January 6. That is how bad it's become. If you know anyone who is working for the government who is not Republican, then they are Deep State and will probably arrest at some point in the next couple years.
