Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Poll King

Majority says Biden won't run again. What do you think?

I say if he runs again, hes loses BIG TIME


  1. His dementia and constant shitting himself in public will prevent a 2024 run. One could only hope that those that voted for him would remember the lies of the mainstream propaganda medias that pushed them to vote for this demented puppet of the left. If you voted for Biden, you should be embarrassed by the ease with which you were persuaded to vote for a moron that never accomplished anything of value in his entire life, and that was an obvious puppet of the left for all of the last 10 years.

  2. If he runs again and wins, very unlikely, our country, our democracy, our Republic is lost forever.

  3. You truly believe if Trump were to run and win that our democracy would be better? you are out of your mind as it was lost for his first 4 years

  4. @10:19..."out of my mind?" LOL. Do you ever do any research on the Trump administration?
    Reshaping the federal judiciary
    Space Force
    Tax Reform
    First Step Act
    Defeating ISIS's caliphate and killing Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
    What has Joe done?
    You are watching too much MSNBC, CNN and whacky Joy Behar.

  5. The only way Biden wins a second term (if he runs which is doubtful) is the same way he allegedly won the first time - massive election fraud. Trump won! Let's Go Brandon!
