Tuesday, November 16, 2021

On the Agenda: Tonight's Commission Meeting

Proclamation recognizing 2021 Transgender Day of Remembrance

For some reason, the city still does not reveal who puts items on the Agenda. They are supposed to identify who is behind the item.

And a little bit of trivia:

From one report, the ten states with the highest percentage of transgender people are:

Hawaii (0.60%)
New Mexico (0.56%)
California (0.55%)
Georgia (0.51%)
Vermont (0.48%)
Oregon (0.46%)
Mississippi (0.46%)
Oklahoma (0.46%)
Delaware (0.46%)
Florida (0.46%)

Gallup's latest update on lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender identification finds 5.6% of U.S. adults identifying as LGBT. The current estimate is up from 4.5% in Gallup's previous update based on 2017 data.


  1. We have a lot of gays here. Do we have any trans?

  2. “What’s happening in our society today is nothing short of the active recruitment of children into aberrant sexual lifestyles. We once called this child abuse. But today it’s official state policy. The next step, which may have been unimaginable a few years ago, is to ensure there’s no way out for those recruits.” Joseph Farah

  3. i was born a male.remember that
