Saturday, November 20, 2021

Liberal Media choose Republican Nominees for 2024

"Thank Goodness! Our liberal-run corporate media has finally weighed in on this all-important issue. Where would we be without their biased, hot garbage opinion on how Americans should vote in elections!

Our liberal run media has hand-picked two Republicans they want to get the nomination to run against Biden/Harris in 2024 (that is if those two bozos dare to run for reelection). Get your pen and paper ready for this odd pairing!

The media’s choice tells us everything we need to know about how biased they are against Republicans and how much they don’t care about solving everyday American’s problems." ~ United America News

Drum roll please...🤣


  1. I never would have come up with these two, but I can see it!

  2. Only a Democrat who wants Republicans to lose 2024 would want this. LOL

  3. No link to the article to read it the entire thing or even see if it even exits but let me just say that there is no Democrat, none, zero, who likes Chris Christie or wants him to run for anything, including dogcatcher.

    MAGA has the brain of a toad so they'll never realize that Trump Republicans will vote for whoever has an R after their name. It doesn't matter. Because they aren't going to vote for a Democrat no matter what. By running Cheney, the GOP will get the zombie Trump voters AND some independents AND maybe even some Biden voters who want a stronger personality in the White House.

    But Trump morons only want Trump. And that is why in 2024, DeSantis and Trump and voters from each camp are going to fight so hard, Democrats will have a good chance of taking it all.

    You heard it here first.

  4. This is a joke, right?

  5. @5:19...the ONLY joke is anonymous at 5:07. You can take that to the bank, even though our money is worthless under Biden.

  6. Chris Christie is a law and order candidate. He reminds me of Frank Rizzo, back in the day. What do you have against him? He's smart; he's tough; and although he made a lousy showing in the last debates, he's just what we need right now.

    I was never a big Liz Cheney fan, and I hated her father, but she took a stand, and showed that she wouldn't buckle under pressure.

    So, basically, you have here, two pro-America candidates who may have the ability to restore the respect we have lost in this country, over the past 4+ administrations. Since GHW Bush, may he rest in peace, we have had nothing running this country but clowns and buffoons: Second raters, all of them.

  7. @5:55...totally, 100% disagree with you.
    If there has been a loss of respect in this country it is because of Democrats and a few RINOS along with socialists and communists screwing up everything.
    Liz Cheney is anything but a pro-American politician. The Wyoming GOP has censured her and now say she is no longer recognized as a Republican.

  8. I'm not talking about respect from Americans; I'm talking about respect on the World Stage. If you would follow what's going on, instead of wasting away on these meaningless squabbles in-country, you would wake up to the fact, that unless we get some credible leadership, we're toast!

  9. We had credible leadership with Donald J. Trump

  10. He lost you the House, Senate and White House but yay for "credible leadership!"

  11. Biden won by massive voter fraud. Everyone knows that 8:37.

  12. And we can thank Christie for the Big Obama hug. That really helped Romney/Ryan! He and Cheney are both unelectable. That's why the Dems are pushing them. If they ever made it to a ticket, no one would show up to vote for these two RINOS.

    Trump won! Let's Go Brandon!

  13. I pray Trump runs again. Democrats can beat the hell out of him. Totally wipe him out and leave him crying for months. His supporters went hysterical and had breakdowns.

    Hell, yes, I want to see that again.

  14. The only thing Trump can accomplish by running again, is to show his contempt for the Republican Party. The cowardly folks who seek protection from his ire will only lose in the end.

    You folks are a very insular group. There are many more people who want to get rid of Trump than support him. When you look at those who show up at his rallies and Mar a Lago fund raisers, they are a motley crew. You wouldn't even invite them to a backyard barbecue.

  15. Anonymous (you are ALWAYS anonymous!) at 8:04 pm...
    We just don't need a Democrat opinion here particularly one who condemns Trump supporters and calling them "cowardly." You just don't go by our policy here. But I let it go.
    The Republican Party needs to get rid of the RINOS, that is for sure. Not only does Trump have contempt for them, but all honest Republicans do.
    According to the Morning Consult-Politico poll, only 39% truly believe the election was fair. That is an incredible number because if we are to believe the final vote counts, not all Democrats thought the vote was honest. That is quite an indictment on the 2020 election. And remember that is a far left-leaning poll.
    So, even honest people in your party know/believe that the election was a fraud.

  16. To the anonymous coward that posted at 8:04pm....

    We know for a fact that there was massive election Fraud.
    We know the Democratic Socialists in charge prevented "Effective" auditing that would allow a useful understanding of how much Democratic party Crime took place in each voting precinct --We do not know if the Election truly had more votes for the demented farting moron or not.
    But we DO know that cowardly Democrats, pushed by a powerful, lying Propaganda News Service --of CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times and the other mainstream News Outlets, painted Creepy Joe as the hero that they would need to vote for--the man that would make democrats "SAFE" from all the terrible things they would be afraid of.

    I do not expect a cowardly democratic socialist like this 804:pm poster, to understand why MAGA people are the real Americans, and why socialists are the scum that myself and others consider traitors to America. I don’t expect these socialist traitors to understand why mob rioting is bad, or why opening the border to illegal criminals is wrong. These socialists have been listening to the most powerful PROPAGANDA machine that has ever existed on the planet, and they can no longer think for themselves.

    They clearly do not understand that “some” Republicans –the ones we call Rhinos, are just Democrats wearing a filthy cloak of Lies that they support MAGA and America, while all the while they are traitors within the party.

    What is new and better in the world today, is that many Democrats have woken up to the Lies of the media, and the fact that the media sold them a lie-filled bill of goods about Biden, and caused them to elect a dementia case that shits himself daily, and that Farts in public while on the World Stage---and that this is about the sum of the intellect he can muster.
    What is also new and better in the world, is that people in Florida are being joined by people in other states, in the knowledge that Mask Mandates and Lockdowns were never about health, they were and are entirely about the destruction of the middle and working classes, it is about Fear and Compliance, it is about how the Socialists will rob Americans of independent thought, of free speech, and of their personal identity.
    Finally, there is an awareness of the evil that has been done by the media, for the left and the Technocracy, which of course includes Big Pharma.
    I wish the cowardly leftists would openly spew their positions in public, in person, in Lake Worth--- so that myself and others could see the cowards behind the anonymous postings, and so we could look at them eye to eye, as we destroy each of their fictitious, leftist narratives ---and show the foolishness of belief in Big Pharma or Big Tech.
    But…Cowards are Cowards, and the new Klu Klux Clan of this decade is clearly the mask wearing antifas and the disgusting left of Lake Worth.

  17. Of course the Democrats would choose these two losers. What a joke. I want to thank dan volker for letting these a-wipes know the score.

  18. That's a lot of words Dan. What it boils down to, is ideology. My reading of your lengthy piece, indicates to me that you are a Populist. You're obviously not a Neo-Conservative, or you would be in a Think-Tank. You could also think of yourself as a Wilsonian.

    I, on the other hand, am a Henry Kissinger conservative. You may not like that, but that is the way it is.

    It takes a lot of reading to figure this all out, so don't be so quick to declare your loyalties to a group of folks you may have nothing in common with.

  19. Anon at 12:03pm.... No way a Wilsonian ..Yikes :-)
    As to the others, I would not want to align my beliefs with a group---other than a general group of pro-American ideologies like Make America Great Again....The real problem with any group would be that I don't want to stand for headlines, I want to discuss the deeper issues, and get real discussion from the other side. I dont want to waste time saying Biden's lame illegal immigrant policy is destructive to America---instead I want discussions about the effect of dropping millions of people with radically different moral and societal values into towns where they can have horrific effects on the lives of the neighborhoods effected----and this dropping is NOT of legal immigrants, but of illegals, people that are by definition, Criminals. These are also people PAID/induced to come in what is likely an attempt to restructure county and state voting lines in the future,, and so it would be an illegal method of getting what would have been a Republican state, to suddenly begin voting as a Democrat dominant /socialist dominant state.

    I'd like actual discussions of what is wrong with Socialism and with Venezuela --and what was RIGHT about America in the early 1800's. I'd like real discussions with the leftist twits that think that there was something un-natural about how Europeans took over North America--leading to our America today---when for over 20,000 years, wars have been fought over natural resources and lands, and the losers were killed or displaced or taken as slaves, and this was the way of the planet Earth up until the 1800's. Hint--Indians did worse to other Indian Tribes than the early European Americans did to them, with the exception of Small Pox, something unintended, and not relevant to the expansionist plans and Manifest Destiny of the time. To even imagine that re-imbursements are warranted, as is so often now suggested by the Woke, is proof of a failed education in History. Such a movement would soon attempt to remove all existing governments, all existing national populations, and then attempt to return land to people that have not lived for hundreds or thousands of years. It is likely a globalist strategy to break the countries of the world up into weaker or broken pieces, so that they can all be scooped up by one authoritarian , one world government, pretending to be fair to all, but that would be in all reality, just another group of elites trying to take over the world. Just more supervillains, like Spectre in the old Bond movies(Spectre was an acronym for Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion).

  20. I commend you for wanting to discuss things. Most people either don't know anything, or are afraid to discuss things.

  21. In the end, this is all about capitalism vs. communism and winning. Democrats want these two to run as they will be beaten to a pulp.

  22. "In the End we are all Dead" John Maynard Keynes
