Monday, November 1, 2021

Ler's go Brandon!

On Friday, when a Southwest Airlines pilot allegedly concluded an address to passengers with the words “Let’s go, Brandon,” a CNN analyst declared the pilot’s comments to that of an ISIS terrorist.

You have to listen closely--“Thanks for coming out and flying Southwest Airlines. Welcome aboard,” he said. “And remember,” he said softly, “Let’s go Brandon.”

Read what Asha Rangappa said, who is also a senior lecturer at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs and a former FBI agent.


  1. These libs are soft. Remember when airline pilots used to get on the plane intercom and say "Fuck you Trump!" Remember that? I sure do. Who doesn't? Remember when people used to go to Obama rallies after he was president and chant "Fuck you Trump!" and Obama would smile and cheer them on? Of course. Remember when people wore tee shirts everywhere that said "Fuck you Trump?" Yep. Get real, Dems. The only time you get to whine so loud is when you lose an election.

  2. Democrats gave Trump HELL for 4 years and still to this day. Go write a new story that isn't fantasy. Hope you lose all future elections.

  3. Do have any cheese with that whine, ma'am?
