Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Florida Couple Fights for Freedom

Florida couple launches legal battle over Trump banner fines

Walton County officials say the large "Trump Won" and "Let's Go Brandon" banners on the balcony of the home of Marvin and Paige Peavy violate local sign ordinances. A fine of $50 a day is being assessed.

Marvin and Paige Peavy said, "We’re in a mess right now in this country. People are grasping to hold onto their freedoms; that’s why they’re supporting us."

Read about it...

What they will find out is that fighting a homeowners or condo association and/or city ordinances are losing propositions. But we give them a lot of credit for fighting the fight.


  1. I don't give them any credit. I don't care what it says, it doesn't belong there. You know that, Lynn. Why would you want that piece of garbage hanging there, no matter who it is supporting?

  2. Why not $100. a day. They can't collect it unless they go to court.

  3. @3:16--I, living in a condo association, would personally NEVER support this.
