Sunday, November 21, 2021

Deceit or an Honest Mistake

Who sent boat-lift surveyors to Lake Worth Beach park without city's OK? 'Innocent mistake' blamed

The Spillway controversy has been going on way too long--at least 8 years or so

"ON A WARM MONDAY afternoon in November, Lake Worth Beach resident Carl Schulte was walking his dogs through Spillway Park, a 4.5-acre public greenspace in the city’s College Park neighborhood, when he noticed something odd.

A surveyor with the civil engineering firm Engenuity Group was taking measurements at the north end of the park along the top of a grassy field that slopes down to the south shore of the C-51 canal, which separates Lake Worth Beach from West Palm Beach.

The measurements, the surveyor explained to Schulte and another visitor, were being taken as a preliminary step for a plan to replace the park’s north end with fishing and portage piers and a 30-foot high boat lift allowing small boats to get around the spillway’s flood-control structure."

'Wow,’ City Commissioner Christopher McVoy said when he learned the neighboring municipality had ordered the work. “Getting people to survey land that you neither own nor lease for a project that you’re pushing but has not been approved by the owner or the lessee, the optics don’t look good.’"

Read my post of 4-24-2015

Read Joe Capozzi's article


  1. Chris is always so diplomatic. WTF?

  2. guess we gotta go back 10 years and see what one person from wpb was fighting for and telling us lake worth should pay for its upkeep.if you forget she was on cra and we werent told of all the meetings.surprised it has taken this long to pop up

  3. No surprise she just happened to be present at the Commission meeting on November 2nd when this was on the agenda. She was rejected from being reappointed to the CRA and, coincidentally or not, the boat lift item (described as "supporting improvements to the Blueway Trail") was removed from the agenda. A week or two before the Nov. 2 meeting the Commission dissolved the C-51 Advisory Board (another coincidence). We know what's going on. Lake Worth Beach cannot afford this very costly project and it benefits no one in Lake Worth Beach. Fix our pool, finish the roads and sidewalks project, fix all the broken street lights - stop wasting our money on this.
