Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Biden is selling our country down the river

With Oil Prices Sky High, Biden Decides to Sell US Oil Reserves Overseas

Biden has been urged to tap into some of America’s wealth of strategic petroleum reserves (SPRs) to ease the crisis. Instead of pleading with adversarial nations within OPEC (actually he has pleaded with OPEC and they told him to buzz off)to raise production, why aren’t we using the energy sources that are right under our feet?

It appears this strategy is on purpose as well. While Biden blames OPEC and Russia for high fuel prices, some report that Biden has ordered the tapping of our SPRs. However, he’s not using them to help everyday Americans save money at the pump.

Biden is selling our precious petroleum to Asia. Keep in mind; this is the same Joe Biden who, through his criminal son, has nefarious ties to many Chinese businesses. This isn’t some questionable policy. Joe Biden is selling out America. It’s on purpose.

Read about the selling off of America And you Democrats still support this Benedict Arnold.

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