Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Biden got Punked

Sources say Biden Bowed to Putin – Delayed U.S. Hypersonic Missile Test Before June Meeting

According to newly discovered information, Biden’s White House ordered the Pentagon to delay an important and long-planned U.S. hypersonic missile test coinciding with the President’s planned June 16 meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Biden officials reportedly worried the U.S. hypersonic missile launch could have sent the wrong message prior to the Biden-Putin summit.

This, despite the fact that Team Biden regularly blasted President Trump as a Russian stooge, or agent, and the U.S is already behind both Russia and China in the hypersonic weapons race.

However, Russian ‘table-setting’ protocols appear different than those of Team Biden as Russian warships sailed just off the coast of Hawaii right before the June summit, and the rare Russian naval presence prompted the U.S. to deploy F-22 fighters and an aircraft carrier to monitor the situation.

And while Biden held back the U.S. missile test, just a month later the Russian Ministry of Defense announced it had conducted a ship-borne hypersonic missile launch.

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