Thursday, November 25, 2021

Anarchy reigns in the City of Roses

BLM Mob in Portland Chants “Say His Name” in Honor of Convicted Child Molester Joseph Rosenbaum

Normally, it would be more than a bit socially unacceptable to agitate in support of a convicted child rapist. But, in the modern era, where the left has gone berserk, past rules of behavior and acceptability are out the window. Hence why protesters were heard chanting “say his name” in reference to and honor of Joseph Rosenbaum, the convicted child rapist killed by Kyle Rittenhouse in what the Kenosha court ruled was an act of self-defense.

Portland is one sick city and a microcosm of the blue-city model that’s disintegrating so completely, not just there but across our country. The mayor, Ted Wheeler, was a Republican at one time...went to Harvard and now is a flaming liberal

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