Thursday, November 4, 2021

A sane Democrat actually exists!

Moderate Democrat and former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard celebrated Terry McAuliffe’s (D) loss in Virginia

She hailed it as a rebuke of leftist extremism

“McAuliffe’s loss is a victory for all Americans. Why? Because it was a resounding rejection of efforts to divide us by race, the stripping of parental rights, and arrogant, deaf leaders. This benefits us all,” she tweeted on Wednesday.

“The faith and trust that the American people need to have in our leaders is dropping every day,” Gabbard said. “The Department of Homeland Security Secretary recently told Congress our borders are secure. This is what he said, this kind of bold-faced lie whether it has to do with domestic issues or foreign policy issues.”

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. Tulsi is a foreign policy wonk. This is why she did so poorly in the debates. Americans don't know much about foreign policy, so she comes across to those morons as "Out of Touch" with the people.

    She has always been a favorite of mine, but I can't see much of a role for her in politics. That is unless she would change her party, and run against a Republican.
