Friday, November 19, 2021

220 to 213 Building Back Better passes in House

House passes giant Build Back Better amnesty

Legislation now heads to the Senate

After several failed attempts, House Democrats finally completed the first step to passing what could be the largest illegal alien amnesty in U.S. history this morning by approving H.R. 5376, Pres. Biden's Build Back Better legislation.

In this bill is the largest amnesty for illegal aliens in our nation's history, plus more than 1 million additional green cards.An amnesty plan for eight million illegal immigrants that is estimated to cost more than $100 billion over the next decade and a lifetime net cost of roughly $1 trillion to Medicare and Social Security.

Included in this plan is an exemption that would allow the Biden Administration to allow illegal immigrants with serious crimes to become citizens; crimes that include human trafficking, narcotics violations and illegal voting.

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. I have concluded, Democrats are totally out of their minds.
