Monday, October 18, 2021

We banned "Zuckerbucks!"

DeSantis Celebrates Banning Zuckerberg’s Election Meddling As A Win For Secure Voting

No more meddling by Silicon valley

One of the biggest reasons DeSantis said he has confidence in his state’s elections is because of recent election integrity legislation that prohibits meddling by Silicon Valley moguls such as Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.

“So Zuckerberg, he spent over $400 million through these, quote, non-profits to, quote, help with election administration but what they would do is they would require certain things to be done like mass mail balloting, ballot harvesting, and they would focus on partisan voter turnout, basically. That was totally unacceptable,” the governor said."

These “Zuck Bucks” were largely awarded based on partisanship to local and state offices, and demanded the promotion of universal mail-in voting, greater opportunities for “ballot curing,” and other vulnerable election tactics.


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