Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Seal who killed bin Laden

He is now getting screwed by the government for which he served

“20 years after 9/11. The Taliban controls Afghanistan. The guy who killed bin Laden is on a no-fly list,” says Robert J. O'Neill.

"I know more about biological warfare than most of you. We were trained. These dumb a** masks do nothing. Nothing, and insisted a bandana does more harm than good."

It really has become a fascist government under Joe Biden.

Read about our Seal Team 6 hero

Why masks are unsafe


  1. Oh, man. Wait until you hear about the raw deal Alexander Vindman got.

  2. You mean the rat fink weasel who retired from the Army after lying about Trump? That guy?

  3. Further, "Following Vindman’s bullshit opinion masquerading as testimony before the House, he was removed from his National Security position at the White House but retained his rank in the U.S. Army. With him gone and President Trump exonerated, nobody gave two shits about this guy, but he seems to think everyone was bullying him so he quit."

  4. I can't imagine why we even know who he is.
