Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Corporate Banking Tyranny has Begun

Trump Banned From Banking

And it wasn't with the government wanting to snoop into your bank transactions of $600 or more

This did not get much attention when it broke a few weeks ago, so here it is again.

Do you remember when they said this would only happen to Alex Jones and Laura Loomer?

Any student of history knows that once the tyranny starts, it never ends.

The fact that they have chosen to go straight to the top first, for the man who was President of the United States yesterday speaks volumes about how emboldened these corporate cartels are.

Read more about it...

How soon before they come for you?


  1. My bank has made threats to me recently about how if I don't deposit more money, they're going to close my account. How can they violate my rights and get away with it? This is crazy.

  2. That's not new, 8:15. Banks always closed your account if you didn't have a sufficient balance to meet their requirements.

    The days of the Savings and Loans are gone, and have been gone since 1990.

    I don't know why the Bank closed Trump's account. Maybe he owes more than he has on deposit. Maybe he hasn't been making payments.

    The only thing I do know, is that a bank is not a philanthropic organization, and if you don't believe me, ask some of the people on the street who have been forcibly removed from their homes by the Sheriff.

  3. @3:30--the banks closed their relationship with Trump becasue of politics and specifically January 6th. They are drinking the Koolaid. I have to wonder what's in it for them from the govt.

  4. Does that mean they are not allowing him to withdraw his money?

    1. No. They just will no longer do business with him. He will have to move his accounts elsewhere. WOKE banks now— what next? Ridiculous.
