Thursday, October 28, 2021

Texas Governor wants to handle Democrat Oil Crisis

Gov. Abbott to Biden: Texas 'Can Produce the Oil' - 'Let Us Handle It'

The Biden Administration’s decision to reduce oil drilling in the United States in favor of a “green” agenda has cost the United States its energy independence achieved under President Donald Trump.

“You’ve seen over the past week at least once, maybe twice, the Biden administration has been kind of asking, if not begging, the Middle East, to produce more oil so that the price of energy will go down,” Abbott observed.


In these moments, and more broadly in the rollout of the Green New Deal, it is laid bare what critics of left-wing environmentalism have always said: The green movement is less about improving the environment and more about increasingly concentrating power in the central government, [Washington Examiner, 5-14-19]

Open up our XL Pipeline Joe and do the right thing for America's economy.

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