Sunday, October 10, 2021

Merrick Garland Exposed

Merrick Garland Has Conflict of Interest

Daughter is married to Big Tech cofounder data mining kids

"Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a threatening memo on Monday calling on the FBI to address “violent threats against school officials and teachers.”

It was an obvious shot at parents who oppose schools and school boards that promote woke ideology and critical race theory in classrooms that exploded this year.

Somehow, the story gets even worse."


  1. Mark Levin said that Merrick Garland's son in law is producing the text book used in critical race theory classes and that a special counsel needs to be appointed to investigate the situation.

  2. The only people who should be able to work in government are Republicans. Everyone else should be banned from drawing a government salary. Until we can insure that everyone in government votes Republican then we're doomed. Liberals should only be able to work in private industry and service industry jobs.
