Sunday, October 24, 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene Formally files Impeachment Charges Against Biden

Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles Of Impeachment Against Biden

President Biden has been hit with formal impeachment charges and has been accused of “treason.” The Articles of Impeachment have been filed in the House of Representatives. The impeachment charges were announced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Friday.


  1. She's done this twice. The first time was the day after the inauguration in January and the second time in August.

    Both times they went nowhere.

    This is old news.

  2. @7:24...It's not old news. She filed more articles in this latest Impeachment of Biden than the one she filed in January. Seriously, so much horrible stuff has happened in these 9+ month. Don't you agree?

  3. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said in a Fox News interview that if a single American or Afghan ally gets left behind in the U.S. military’s evacuations from Afghanistan, it would be a “​​high crime and misdemeanor under the Constitution” and should lead to Biden’s impeachment.
    Democrats just don't seem to want to embrace that logic.

  4. Graham also said Donald Trump was a “kook,” a “race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot” and said he was “unfit for office."

    Graham says a lot of things.

    As far as the articles of impeachment goes, Greene did it for the 2nd time in August. But don't take my word for it. Google it. It's all over the net.

  5. Yes, I know she did it in takes time to get anywhere which this one won't either. When Republicans take back the House and Senate, it would be possible. Hope for the best!
    As far as Lindsey, he took that statement back and said he never heard
    Trump say a racist thing!

  6. Graham has never issued an apology or retracted what he said in 2016. I'm open to look at any report that you can find anywhere that says he did, but if he did, it's not on the internet or recorded anywhere.

    Maybe he whispered it to someone at sometime, right? :)

  7. anonymous--please stop trying to re-write my blog. This is about Marjorie Taylor Greene--

  8. She's just wasting our time!

  9. She is bringing attention to the worst president ever! and that' a very good thing whether she has any chance to impeach or not.

  10. "People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"
