Monday, October 4, 2021

Large percentage of citizens believe Red and Blue states should secede

Most Americans Believe We’re No Longer a Democracy

  • “Democrats are aligning themselves with anti-American policies of censorship, destruction of billions in wealth, murder of those in their way (remember it was four Trump supporters who were murdered on Jan. 6)
  • aligning with fascist groups like BLM and Antifa
  • election theft
  • arming the Taliban enemy with $83 billion in US military equipment
  • using a pandemic to steal American freedoms
  • false arrests of individuals for fake crimes
  • government harassment through the courts
  • imprisonment based on fake crimes in kangaroo courts, etc.”
A shocking new poll from the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia reveals that over half of Trump voters surveyed, and 41% of Biden voters, are in favor of blue and/or red states seceding from the union. Yeah, it’s gotten that bad.


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