Saturday, October 23, 2021

In the Dead of Night

Biden Is Now Shipping Underage Illegals To Every Corner Of The Country!

Biden’s effort to slowly destroy America continues…This time, he wants to populate America with underage immigrants and transport them in the middle of the night.

While we are lying in our beds thinking when this COVID madness brought to us by Biden’s regime will be over and thinking this will be the last one – I said, it’s far from over because Biden has been cooking a new disaster for America.

Read more about it...

NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS AFTER MIDNIGHT! And it's to cover up all the Illegals being transported to cities across our country to avoid the appearance of a border crisis.

Everyone knows he is destroying America and now he is hurting all the cities that will have to pick up the tab.


  1. It's funny that you post this.

    Last Wednesday night, I was walking by dog in front of the library around 10:30 when a white, official looking van with strange license plates pulled over and the door slid open. 6, very young Mexican-looking men got out and ran up M street and past the PNC Bank. The van left but the guys in the front seat looked like they were wearing uniforms.

    I think this could have been some of Biden's illegals. I realize it's not in the middle of the night and not everyone is sleeping (except the oldsters LOL) but I bet these were some of those people. They're dumping them right downtown!

    Has anyone else seen this kind of thing lately?

  2. Interesting story. Our city has been invaded for years and this commission loves the diversity. Whites are in the minority which is also interesting.
