Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Hillary Clinton Political Tricks

Hillary Is a Disgrace

I would guess that John Durham is getting closer...at least let's hope so.

The former Secretary of State was one of the original political hacks promoting the BIG LIE  that Donald Trump may have been/was working as some sort of Kremlin double agent and that his true allegiance may be to Vlad Putin – not Uncle Sam. She wanted to be President so badly that any integrity that she might have had dissolved in the malicious wind. What a sap!

Ever since her defeat, which she conceded, Clinton repeatedly pointed to Russia's interference in the 2016 election as a prominent reason why she was never elected to the White House. She 100% believes this, at least in public statements. When she looks into the mirror, I am sure she faces the cold truth.

Clinton Campaign lawyer has just been indicted for his role in peddling bogus Russiagate Hoax to FBI that was started by Crooked Hillary.


  1. This witch needs to find another country to haunt.

    Such a disgusting human being.

  2. She's gained a lot of weight!
