Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo scolded by Democrat

Florida surgeon general refuses mask in meeting with state senator, asked to leave

Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo and two of his aides were told to leave the office of Democrat state Sen. Tina Polsky after they were offered masks and refused, Florida Politics reported. Ladapo allegedly offered to move the meeting outside as an alternative but Polsky declined.

Ladapo had requested that he and the senator meet as he prepares to seek reconfirmation in his role as surgeon general for the upcoming session.

Read about it...

The Healthy American states that the Science says Healthy People Should Not Wear Masks

Masks reduce intake of oxygen, leading to carbon dioxide toxicity
Germs are trapped near your mouth and nose, increasing risk of infection
Wearing a mask causes you to touch your face more frequently
There is no scientific evidence that supports healthy people wearing masks
Masks obscure your facial features and impede normal social interaction
Masks make it hard for hearing-impaired people to understand you
Masks symbolize suppression of speech



  1. Ive never worn a mask and have never been told to leave an establishment.

  2. I think she had just been diagnosed with breast cancer.

  3. To the commenter who tried to post saying I make everything a Democrat vs Republican thing...that's exactly what it's all about anonymous.
    She should have told him BEFORE she scheduled the meeting that she had a health issue rather than making it a political thing and attempting to make Republicans look bad.
    But oh no, she lead him into the political trap.
    Stage one she finally said.

  4. She could wear the mask to protect herself.

    Oh, a mask doesn't do that.

  5. Wow. You all are a cruel bunch here.

    It was the woman with breast cancer's fault that she didn't call the FL Surgeon General, a doctor, before the meeting to remind him to wear a mask or question him as to whether he planned on wearing one.

    Has nothing at all to do with him being a doctor and understanding her concerns and refusing her request.

  6. @3:25...cruel? She should have told him of her medical condition BEFORE he came for this meeting. She didn't. Why not?

  7. Oh, please. For fuchs sake. It's a GD mask. He's a doctor. He wears one all the time.

    I've never seen a group of people who claim to be so tough and strong but cower and whine when it comes to putting on a mask. What is wrong with you people? The lady has cancer. Do her a HUGE favor and put on a mask for 5 crappy minutes. I know it's so, so very painful and it hurts your delicate feelings but, you know, be brave!

  8. It's a fuching mask today. What will it be tomorrow? Constant condoms mandated to be worn by every male over the age of 5 "just in case"? No more meals cooked at home for "health" reasons and only state approved meals for everyone? Sounds stupid,right? So does the idea of wearing a mask that does nothing .But HERE WE ARE ! Let's go Brandon!

  9. A breast cancer patient asking a doctor to put on a mask during a pandemic is not going to lead to tyranny, anonymous, no matter how worked up and hysterical you manage to get about it.

    It's about treating others with respect. It's about common decency. Like Florida Senate President Wilton Simpson, a Republican, said today, "Have some manners." Seems like some people have forgotten what that is.


  10. As said, she should have told him BEFORE he went to a meeting with her. She set him up. Don’t just tell someone she has a medical condition, put on a mask or get the hell out. That’s BS.

  11. Your opinion, of course.

    She asked him politely and he refused and on his way out the door, he made a snide comment.

    He's a doctor. It was a mask. I know masks have become something of a symbol for some, but really, it's just a mask. Some folks are scared stiff of them. But it's just a mask.

    Maybe if we told them it was a gun they would be more comfortable with it. lol

  12. @5:58...actually if he had told her masks don't work...Liberals make such a big deal out of masks, etc.

  13. And now she's getting death threats.

    C'mon, folks. Leave her alone. It's just a mask!

  14. Love each other, friends. The people who aren't are having a grand old time being awful now but will be taken care of in another life. Our time here on earth is too short to always be hating others.

    Peace to all.
