Friday, October 15, 2021

Dominion Voting Systems won the Election for Biden?

Ex-Dominion Director Admits to Being Anti-Trump Radical Leftist in Deposition

"Anyone paying attention, and not a crazed left-wing radical Democrat, appreciates something was wrong with the 2020 Presidential Election. The number of suspicious things surrounding dozens of voting reports is astounding.

The left continues to water down any claims of voter fraud as “not prevalent” or “irrelevant to the outcome.” That is simply not true. It has been a constant strategy to cover their tracks by casting any conservative who questions the results as a right-wing lunatic.

Eric Coomer is the former Director of Security and Product Strategy for Dominion Voting Systems. Eric from Dominion was entrusted with guaranteeing that Donald Trump did not win the election. If this doesn’t raise voter fraud suspicion to a new level, we’re not sure what would."

Here he is being exposed by Gateway Pundit admitting that he thinks all Trump voters are “f*cking idiots. He also said “you deserve nothing but contempt” of Trump voters.

Click here to hear entire testimony