Thursday, October 7, 2021

California dealing with Homeless, Illegals and MS-13

California’s Homeless Problem Just Turned Deadly

And so what can they expect? They just voted to keep the worst of the worst governors in the country in the recent failed recall.

California has allowed their homeless problem to reach crisis status and they have no one to blame but their Democratic leadership. Now that Los Angeles has finally stepped up to tackle the issue, they’ve realized that things could get deadly.

In addition to the biohazardous conditions (aka feces on the streets), aid workers will now also have to battle MS-13 gang members.

The gang, made up of mostly Mexican illegals, has taken up residence in the heart of LA’s homeless problem. MS-13 has apparently setup camps in MacArthur Park.

Our major cities are under attack throughout our country, all run by Democrats.

Read about it...


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