Saturday, October 30, 2021

Burger company should consider moving to Florida--the Free state

In-N-Out Burger--You are welcome in Florida

"Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, Jimmy Patronis, suggested that In-N-Out Burger should move to the Sunshine State after several In-N-Out locations were shut down by California did not check proof of vaccination, you know, the thing.

Patronis appealed to In-N-Out CEO Lunsi Snyder to move to the state, arguing that Florida has a superior business climate—noting the state has no personal income tax, low corporate taxes, and no mandates."

Instead, Biden is dumping illegals here in the middle of the night. As reported last month, "Biden’s cabal is sending future Democrats to Florida. They were released and found in the airport waiting for paid flights to Florida. Biden’s cabal is turning Florida deep blue with new Democrats and their anchor babies. Over 300 Haitian women are pregnant or giving birth under the bridge in Del Rio." []


1 comment:

  1. I could eat at In-and-Out and Chik-fil-a for every meal to show the libs what America is all about. Get me my freedom fries and shove it up their butts.
