Sunday, October 24, 2021

Biden's Poll Numbers going down, down and down!

Poll shows extent of Americans' disappointment in Biden

More than any other president since WW II has at this point in term

"The historic drop is fueled by Biden's inability to shake off growing public dissatisfaction over his White House tenure as his month-to-month approval rating slips to a new low of 42 percent in October," the report said. Other polling has put Biden's approval number as low as 37%, a rating of minus 15 since his disapproval was 52%.

New polling released on Friday shows that Joe Biden has disappointed Americans "more than any other president since World War II has at this point in their term."

Read more about the worst president ever!


  1. I never knew people didn't like Eisenhower!

  2. There will always be people on either side of the aisle who don't like anything or anyone.
