Saturday, October 23, 2021

Biden: The Titanic going full steam into an iceberg of reality

A Frustrated Joe Starts Yelling Again, ‘This Is The USA Dammit!’

Joe was on his home turf believing this would help him by telling all his silly stories

"The losses keep piling up and Joe Biden can no longer hide his frustration. A normal person would reevaluate and change course but not Joe Biden.

Biden traveled to Scranton, PA to try and get momentum for his Build Back, Better bill which is falling apart.

The president didn’t get the welcome he had hoped for.

When you are failing, attack Donald Trump, as he mocked President Trump, attacking him for not passing an infrastructure bill.

“Last four years you’d hear every month is, you know, infrastructure month,” Biden says. “Didn’t do a single damn thing. Nothing. I mean, nothing for four years.”

The president should take a good look in the mirror his party has complete control in Washington and they can’t pass a bill."[]

Complete failure! Change course, Joe, before we lose our country!

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