Saturday, October 23, 2021

Biden is to Blame for this Shipping Crisis

Former McDonald’s CEO Ed Rensi told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo that Biden has a share in the blame for the current shipping crisis.

“[Shortages have] been exacerbated clearly by COVID. But it’s also been impacted dramatically by the policy changes that President Biden made even before he was inaugurated,” said Rensi. “When he said he’s going to shut down oil, shut down the pipelines, move away from fossil fuel.”


  1. How can the ships get fuel when there is none because Biden closed down Keystone? Then the ships run out of gas when they get off the coast of California and they drift around and cause a massive traffic jam. That's why there are shortages in America. Biden expect ships to convert to electric. Is he crazy?

  2. @7:09...the answer to your question, is "yes."

  3. The Biden gang is doing its best to show that capitalism doesn't work. The commies in his cabinet are pushing their radical agenda and doing nothing to solve the Long Beach logjam,the border crisis. the gas and oil price rise. His ego created the Afghan debacle and the death of 13 young American warriors and he denied he was told to keep Bagram operational.
    His actions and inactions are beyond dangerous.
