Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Tax and Spend Nancy wants to suspend the Debt Ceiling

Next On The Docket For Democrat Voting: Suspend The Government Debt Ceiling?

Back in 2019, Congress voted to suspend the debt ceiling, which is a statute that prevents the federal government from assuming a certain level of the national debt, out until August of 2021. This past July, Congress tried and failed to pass a vote aimed at continuing the suspension or just raise the debt ceiling itself. This forced the hand of Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary, to take “extraordinary measures” to try and fund the expenses of the federal government.

This past weekend, Yellen sounded the alarm that the government could begin to fail to make its payments as soon as October if Congress failed to take any action at all.

During all this, Republican leadership has taken to forcing Democrats to own the higher debt ceiling along with their $3.5 trillion social spending plans that the Democrats plan to pass through the circumventing the Senate filibuster through budget reconciliation.


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