Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Omari is always opening his mouth

but apparently not for Washington, D.D. food.

Omari Hardy gets backlash after trashing DC food scene, including from Jose Andres

Rep. Omari Hardy @OmariJHardy
"Can we talk about DC food being terrible? Because it's not great y'all."

He got a reply--

José Andrés @chefjoseandres
"With all due respect,Sir, even if you were right, with facts, with a person in your position, wouldn’t be nice to talk about anything you did like, versus “trashing” thousands of cooks and restaurants owners, and food trucks etc that are still trying to save their restaurants?"

Let's all hope Omari doesn't have to put up with DC food or anything else there. Surprised that he didn't call Jose a racist!


  1. He is the male version of Maxipad Watters, Never has anything good to say. Never has a reasonable answer. Always complains, complains, complains.

  2. does Omari have a chance to win?

  3. I truly believe that Omari hates White people. He is all about division and pushing the Race narrative that no one buys. Omari has had, and still does to this day, a lot of advantages of being Black in America. He has not been denied one darn thing. I give him credit for bettering his life, getting a good education at the University of Miami, getting his degree, becoming a school teacher and striving for political office. He won in Lake Worth as a commissioner, thanks to many for which he shows his contempt even going so far as to ruin the then mayor's business with his brutal hate. He won in the Florida legislature...it wasn't just black people who catapulted him to office. Now he is running for U.S. Congressman in a predominantly Black district. He has a big chip on his shoulder. Knock it off, Omari.

  4. I have to agree that Lyn is right here. Omari didn't stay in the hood and break into cars and rob people like most of them do. He did the "white" thing, so to speak, and bettered himself. But now he's forgotten about who he is and is acting so uppity...Omari can't change some things and he's got to remember what his place will always be. People like us need to constantly remind them.

  5. @8:46...I came very close to deleting your comment. Posted it just to show how obnoxious Libs are.
    You are full of it and a racist to boot!

  6. Who is that, Lynn? What they're saying is pretty accurate. They must know him pretty well. What did they get wrong?

  7. @5:32...if you don't think that was obnoxious and putting all black people into a certain category, saying most blacks rob people, etc. etc., And "what is his place?" that you refer to. I have nothing to say to you or any response.

  8. Well, crime stats show it is what is, Lynn. You've shared information here before that shows us that and I see so many posts you do that show yet another robbery or someone getting beat up by these people. They're taking over the country along with the illegals who do nothing but run drugs and get welfare. I'm not saying anything you don't imply so please don't get all high and mighty on me.

  9. @8:42...regarding crime stats, when I post them, they are facts...I don't say some person of color committed it unless the facts show that in a photo or in the article description. There is a difference.
    So accusing me of getting "high and mighty" is unjust.
    Illegals are another matter and need to be removed from our country unless they have come here legally and waiting to become a citizen. My observation, at least here in Lake Worth is, more and more do not even speak English and have zero intention of assimilation.
    This, I blame on the federal government overall but also blame it on the entities here who are encouraging people to cross our border and live here in Lake Worth. Should be stopped...encouraging people to commit an illegal act should be punishable by a heavy consequence. Now, we have a commission that "likes diversity."
