Thursday, September 16, 2021

North Korea Escalating Cruise Missile Tests With Possible Nuclear Capability

North Korea Appears to Test Nuclear Capable Missile

North Korea is escalating again in what could be a test to the Biden administration.

"The missiles are “a strategic weapon of great significance” and flew 1,500 km (930 miles) before hitting their targets and falling into the country’s territorial waters during the tests on Saturday and Sunday, KCNA said.

Cruise missiles and short-range ballistic missiles that can be armed with either conventional or nuclear bombs are particularly de-stabilising in the event of conflict as it can be unclear which kind of warhead they are carrying, analysts said."

Read about it...


  1. Isn't North Korea the country Donald Trump said he exchanged "love letters" with when he was in office?

  2. @8:43...what he did was reach out to North Korea as ObM had said NK was our biggest enemy. He created detente with a country that was considered hostile. He got Kim Jong un to stop missile testing. Now that Biden grabbed the office of the presidency, the world is getting more hostile by the day.

  3. So what you're saying is that maybe Biden should exchange love letters with North Korea since it worked so well for Trump?

    I'm not sure I agree with you.

  4. @7:37...please go somewhere else with your silliness.

  5. So you're happy with Biden then 7:37! You like the job he's doing!

    I guess you think he's on top of his game. Good for you. You must be a Happy Democratic Warrior!

  6. Well, as of yet, he hasn't exchanged love letters with North Korea, so I think that's a huge improvement, anon.

  7. What would be a real improvement is your taking your sarcasm elsewhere. Biden is a nitwit.

  8. You may call it sarcastic, Lynn, but I truly am thankful that this president isn't exchanging love letters with N. Korea. Maybe I'm the only one here. Maybe you think POTUS should be doing that, I don't know. But I'm considering it a plus for America.

  9. really are obtuse. It was a speech that was figuratively made, not literally. It was DETENTE as I had said. Dems are really a detriment to our country in every respect...can't discern tongue in cheek, truth from fiction, fake news, and the rest of the destruction O'bidumb is doing to our country.
    A plus for America would be a president that does everything possible to save its respect and sovereignty--AMERICA FIRST...11,000 illegals in Del Rio and another 10k approaching.../Hundreds of thousands crossing our border,among them rapists and other low lives. Socialists/communists we don't need running our country.
    Take a hike.
