Saturday, September 18, 2021

Justice for J6 today in Washington

Saturday's "Justice for J6" in Washington, D.C., will be a no-win situation for Republicans.

So says President Trump!

Former President Donald Trump said Saturday's "Justice for J6" in Washington, D.C., will be a no-win situation for Republicans.

"That's a setup," Trump said of the gathering intended to show support for people arrested after the Jan. 6 attack in an interview with The Federalist. "If people don't show up they'll say, 'Oh, it's a lack of spirit.' And if people do show up, they'll be harassed."

Trump said the treatment of people involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol violence has reinforced that a double standard exists in the country.

Watch all the anarchists show up wearing Trump hats as they did on January 6.

Read what Trump said

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