Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Joe Takes Bike ride as world comes tumbling down

Biden goes for bike ride at the beach amid national crises, refuses to answer questions

Reporters shouted questions at Biden as he zipped on by

At least he can ride a bike!

All sorts of crises going on, so it's nice to take a vacation as we screw France on a submarine deal with Australia and it pulls out its ambassadors, the border erupts even further with illegals crossing it by the thousands, the Afghanistan mess with Americans left behind, etc.

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  1. What a slacker. He should go golfing and keep reporters and photographers off the property. Then they couldn't shout questions at him. It worked for Trump!

  2. He's not talented enough to play golf. It takes a lot of coordination.
    Trump didn't have the country crashing in on him and every ally in the world distrusting his every move...no Afghanistan slaughter, no ISIS-k taking over a country, no open borders and hundreds of thousands crossing into our country uninvited and no crazy unsustainable economy.
    Totally different time, anonymous. How can you even support this guy?

  3. Biden plays put put and if he does play golf, he lies about his score.

  4. Biden on a bike? Must have been the body double!

  5. Biden doesn't answer reporter question anonymous above. He clearly turns his back and walks away. He can't speak without a teleprompter and then he messes that up.

  6. If you think that's Biden, I got some swamp land to sell you. That's a Secret Service agent who goes through professional, Hollywood-grade make up. If you look at the way he is riding and how strong he looks, that the stature of a man 30 years younger...and that ain't Biden. That's why he's not taking questions. It all makes perfect sense.

  7. Unfortunately, I can't see the picture.
