Sunday, September 26, 2021

Israel, U.S. held Discussion on Iran on its Nuclear Program

Israel, US hold secret meeting over ‘Plan B’ on Iran, if talks fail

"Israel and the U.S. have held secret discussions in the past week over a “Plan B” in case talks with Iran over its nuclear program fail, Axios first reported.

One of these meetings was reportedly held between U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan and his Israeli counterpart, Eyal Hulata, via a secure video conference call.

Jake Sullivan, if you recall, was involved in the Fake Russian Dossier. Sullivan worked for Clinton when a law firm representing her campaign hired an opposition research firm to investigate Trump's possible ties to Russia. The firm hired Christopher Steele, the author behind the dossier alleging a "well-developed conspiracy of cooperation between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Read about it... as Biden administration with Jake Sullivan take a "cautious" approach.

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