Monday, September 6, 2021

“I do not support mandatory vaccinations,” Putin said.

Putin Comes Out Against National Vaccine Mandates and Lockdowns Making Russia Less Authoritarian Than the Democratic Party

Ya gotta love that headline! LOL

When Russian bad boy Vladimir Putin was asked if he supports a national lockdown, he said no because regional authorities are mandating vaccinations at the local level, including other mitigations, to avoid lockdowns.

At least on the national level, the Russkies are unwilling to force vaccinations to avoid destroying their economy again. If given the chance, our Democratic Party would have us all in cages inside our homes with an Agenda 21 theme.



  1. To have a successful nation, you have to have rules that are enforced, and religion.

    Without these two elements, you have the US.

    You may not like Putin, but they manage very well without us liking them.

    And so to, do the Chinese!

  2. haha so true about Agenda 21

  3. And this is false...

  4. Nothing false...President Vladimir Putin said he was opposed to mandatory coronavirus vaccinations for Russians but urged the jab-sceptic population to get inoculated, as his country battles a deadly third wave.
