Saturday, September 18, 2021

Governor DeSantis will not depend on Biden for Antibody treatments

DeSantis Moves To Buy Antibody Treatments Directly From Manufacturer After Biden Tightens Grip On Supply

Joe Biden flip-flopped on what he wanted to do regarding monoclonal antibodies. On September 9th, President Joe Biden said that his administration would be increasing shipments of monoclonal antibodies in September by 50%. Then, on September 14th, the announcement was more than 50% of the monoclonal antibodies that had been used in Florida were going to be reduced.

“To just kind of pull the rug out from anyone a week after the president himself said they were going to be increasing the distributions by 50%, it’s very, very problematic,” DeSantis said. “What I am doing though, is we’re going to try to cover the bases.”


  1. There was no flip flop. Biden increased the shipments by 50%. It's just that the shipments were distributed more equitably between states that need them.

    What DeSantis is mad about is that Florida is no longer the only state that needs them. A lot of GOP-controlled states are getting swamped with COVID now and need the federally-supplied treatments. So the increased supply is going to help more Americans across a wider area.

    This is good news, of course, to everyone but the people who hate sharing with other Americans. They want the shipments all to themselves. Unfortunately, that's not how America works.

    Maybe if DeSantis would have emphasized vaccines and masking more, Florida wouldn't need all these treatments now.

  2. @3:52...the problem here is, without warning, and for no publicly stated purpose, the Biden administration cut the supply of the drugs to Florida by more than half after promising the shipment, potentially putting Floridians’ lives at risk.
    Governor DeSantis took action to protect the residents of Florida.
    Deaths per 100,000: 1.69.And with all the Northerners and visitors from other states not to mention the refugees Biden is sprinkling around as well as illegal aliens who are not vaccinated.
    Masks don't help at all.AND, Ron DeSantis urged, on many occasions, that Floridians get vaccinated against the coronavirus, saying that the shots are "saving lives."

  3. Anonymous, don’t come over here again with your liberal opinion. This is a conservative blog and your opinion is rejected as it is false

  4. 3:52 Do you understand what "flip flop" means? Promise a 50% increase and then without warning pull 70 % of the supply? Why did Biden restrict the supply? For political purposes. Period. There was ,and is, NO SHORTAGE of the monoclonal therapy. Only the false,vindictive limits proposed by the Biden administration. FYI- over half of the people getting the monoclonal therapy WERE FULLY VACINATED !! Florida used a lot because Ron Desantis was one of the first to push the info about monoclonal therapy to the people in our state. He wanted this life saving therapy within driving distance of every Floridian. And Desantis was an early proponent of Vaccination. He fast tracked the vaccine destinations . God bless this man. And God damn the Biden cult of death.

  5. Why anyone depends on biden for anything is beyond me. Only special people believe anything babbling biden says.
