Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Getting Beaten to a Pulp by China

Democrats' America Last Policies Are a Gift to China

China's leaders must be trading high-fives as they watch the American left push policies that will cripple American competitiveness.

On the economic front, congressional Democrats are trying to ram through President Joe Biden's tax plan, which would make America's combined state and federal corporate tax burden the highest in the developed world, according to the Tax Foundation. This would motivate companies to relocate elsewhere. That's good news for China, which is vowing to outproduce the U.S. by 2035.

See what else China is happy about


  1. "Getting Beated To A Pulp"

    Is English your first language?

  2. You got the point.....
    need an editor...want to apply? :)

  3. spelling only matters when the content isnt understood.

    " Masters of Education"
