Saturday, September 25, 2021

Emotional nut job AOC sheds Crocodile Tears

AOC Sheds tears On House Floor

Vote went against her for screwing Israel

The temper tantrum was in full effect on the House floor after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez didn’t get her way.

The DNC Squad was trying to throw their weight around and prevent the US from giving funding to Israel for the Iron Dome to defend their country from Hamas and terrorists.

MSNBC News reporter, Jake Sherman reported that “AOC seems distraught. She is in the middle of the house floor wiping away tears, crying into her colleagues shoulders.”

See AOC  Incidentally, the Iron Dome funding passed 420/9.

Iron Dome is part of a multi-tiered missile defense system that Israel was continuing to develop in 2016 to protect the country from threats ranging from mortars to ICBMs.[wikipedia]


  1. "Local girl makes good"

    I imagine her constituency love her, so until that changes, if ever, we are stuck with her.

    If this doesn't show people, for instance Lake Worth voters, that your vote counts, I don't know if anything will.

    Supposedly dead people are voting. In Lake Worth, we have brain dead people not voting.

  2. She'll have to shed a lot of tears to overturn that vote.

    AOC is a perfect example of what happens when people don't vote.
