Monday, September 20, 2021

Eco Green and the City of Lake Worth

Retail, huge green space, 127 apartments

Will new complex be too big for Lake Worth Beach?

Some people think so!

As everyone knows, the commission passed this project on a 3/2 vote with Commissioners Christopher McVoy and Kimberly Stokes dissenting.

Read about it in the Palm Beach Post

One development regarding this project that was probably unknown at the time of this writing, a lawsuit was filed on Friday, September 17th: Vicki Grant etal vs. The City of Lake Worth Beach who was quoted in the article as saying, ""This project is not compatible to the neighborhood," Vicky Grant, who lives within 400 feet of the apartment project, told the City Commission at its second hearing on Deco Green on Aug. 17. The significant increase in height....will impact my family and neighborhood."


  1. oh goody, another lawsuit

  2. that's all this city does is develop and cater to developers, not the residents

  3. What would you like the city to put there?

  4. @3:11...who are you asking?
    I am just blogging about the article and that a lawsuit has been filed.

  5. Responding to 12:46. I can't imagine who could object to the development of that ugly lot. I don't want Lake Worth to look like Federal Hwy going south, but surely, 127 units and greenspaces will be an improvement that will enhance the appearance of the city.

  6. Development is limited to 30' heights there. Obviously, this will be double that.

  7. Wasn't that overridden by the state? It's only 127 units. I don't think Lake Worth can ignore the future forever. There are parts of LW that are lovely, and other parts that should be razed. Green Space and some small commercial would be a relief from the congestion on Lake Avenue.

  8. So, what is that? Two 4 story buildings? How many feet is the MID?

  9. do any of you brilliant head cases know what THE ZONING for this parcel is? Right. why in the hell do we even need a "planning and zoning " dept?? Just step on in and build whatever the fuk you want to.
