Thursday, September 16, 2021

Durham Probe into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation

Lawyer indicted on charges of lying to FBI as part of Durham probe into Trump-Russia investigation

Special counsel John Durham is nearing the conclusion of his more than two-year-long probe

According to the indictment, Michael Sussmann -- a prominent cybersecurity lawyer whose law firm Perkins Coie worked for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign

Sussman lied at a September 2016 meeting with then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in which Sussmann shared information about possible connections between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank.

Read the Indictment and see the connection with Hillary Clinton's campaign.


  1. We all knew Hillary Clinton was involved.

  2. Poor guy. Most Clinton peoples usually are found dead. I hope he has all his affairs in order before they decide its time for his suicide.
