Sunday, September 5, 2021

Democrat Involved in Jan 6 Capitol protest

Registered Democrat Caught Storming US Capitol

Attacking Police Pleads with Court for Light Sentence Because He Is Not Trump Supporter

Robert Maurice Reeder was arrested after he was caught inside the US Capitol on January 6th.

Robert Maurice Reeder is a:
** Registered Democrat
** Wore a Covid mask to the Trump rally
** Lied about his actions

Reeder was about to get a light sentence this week after telling the judge he is “not a Trump supporter” and because of this he demanded a light sentence. And he was about to get a very small sentence with an excellent plea deal because of this.

Read what came next...


  1. LOL. He also wore a red MAGA hat.

  2. LOL yourself--you can't figure out why he was wearing a MAGA cap??!! There were plenty of bad guys at that protest who were in the crowd stirring up the pot with their BS.

  3. FBI plant perhaps????
