Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Biden can't remember get's confused!

Biden gets confused, can't remember detail from his daughter's wedding

'My mind is going blank now'

President Joe Biden appeared confused when recalling his daughter's wedding during a meeting with rabbis prior to the Jewish holiday season.

Read about our poor president


  1. Wow. An older person forgetting things.

    Never happened ever before.

  2. @2:48--can't remember a President of the United States and leader of the free world (who really messed things up) forget anything.

  3. "President Trump was poised to sign a pair of executive orders Friday targeting trade abuses, but it appears that a reporter's question distracted him and he walked out of an executive order signing without actually signing the executive order"

    Shall I continue?

  4. You spend a great deal of time defending the worst president ever. Lol
