Sunday, September 12, 2021

Another Terrorist attack on U.S. likely says Rep. Carlos Gimenez

Islamic Terrorist Attack on U.S. is ‘Inevitable’

'It's a matter of when not if'

“I think that’s inevitable. Look, not only do we have a debacle in Afghanistan, we also have a debacle going on in at the southern border. We have hundreds of thousands of immigrants coming through and we know that there we have people that have been on the terror watch list that have slipped through, so yeah it’s a matter of when not if,” said Rep. Carlos Gimenez.

Gimenez added that he does not “have that much faith in the Biden administration to keep Americans safe.”

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. It's always refreshing to hear the point of view of a realist. I like Carlos. He was a good Mayor of Miami, and now he is a good Representative. Unfortunately, he was born in Cuba, so he can't run for President.

    Another realist that I respect, is Leon Panetta. How come we never listen to the people who actually know something. If you didn't hear him on Neil Cavuto, you should listen to it on line. It's a real wake-up call.
